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xenith sponsored studio
My junior year I participated in a sponsored studio with Xenith, a local Detroit sports equpiment brand. We were tasked with designing equipment for their brand for sports new to the Xenith product family.
xenith sponsored studio
My junior year I participated in a sponsored studio with Xenith, a local Detroit sports equpiment brand. We were tasked with designing equipment for their brand for sports new to the Xenith product family.
Soundcradle combines my passion of music with my interest in tactile and user-engaging experiences.
I hope you love it as much as I do.

This 50's Crosley record player (similar to the Dansette Major Deluxe) was designed to provide wide gaps and buffers between the record playing and the ground, preventing small micro-scratching from footsteps, and heavy vibrations from dropped objects.

The modern Crosley, infamously known as the "record lathe" will spin approximately 40 times before it begins to tear into the record, causing damage over time. Players like this are made with cheaply made plastic parts and are not designed with performance or integrity in mind.

Vinyl LP sales have increased from less than 1 million in 1995 to over 27.5 million in 2020
Source: Statista - The Vinyl Comeback Continues
The vinyl comeback of the 21st century has caused enormous sales of records, in part due to its charming physical tactile aspect, and its niche audiophile hipster appeal. Unfortunately, cheap and tacky record player turntables have dominated the affordable entry-level marketplace for new record collectors.

A modern record player should be:
Visually distinct in a market saturated with "a box with a turntable"
Physically engaging with touchy, tactile onboard controls
Marketed towards users ages 15-35, the current leaders in record sales.
1. Primary Form/System
Exploring opportunities to find solutions that bridge the need for a dynamic form and a shock-proof frame/system.

2. User Interaction
Exploring different parts and arrangements of knobs, buttons, and switches to provide control to the user with added tactile response.

3. Suspension System/Form Proportions
Investigating a 2-part system in which a steel frame makes contact with the ground surface, and rests underneath the plastic shell that houses the fragile components.

4. Foamcore Scale Testing
Foamcore, cardstock scale models. A larger and shorter record player from the form refinement phase were mocked up and tested for scale, user accessibility, and a top view aesthetic.
(248) 318 8639

5. Final Design
Synthesizing the best elements from each stage of ideaion, the final try design allows for greater user access to controls, a sensibly sized dust cover, and a shape that stands out in a market saturated with uninspired forms.

Soundcradle’s suspension frame provides the turntable a soft cushion of protection against unwanted physical tremors and shakes.

A magnetized pin in the edge of the dust cover allows safe and secure locking and ease of removable.

Inspired by parts of previous century, Soundcradle’s control panel embellishes the under-recognized value of touchy, tactile controls

Bright, modern, highly energetic colorways for Gen Z, marketed for entry-level turntable users ages 15-25
Millennial (Gen Y)
Clear colored outer shells as a throwback to the early 2000’s, marketed towards entry-level users ages 25-35

Thank you!
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