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xenith sponsored studio
My junior year I participated in a sponsored studio with Xenith, a local Detroit sports equpiment brand. We were tasked with designing equipment for their brand for sports new to the Xenith product family.
xenith sponsored studio
My junior year I participated in a sponsored studio with Xenith, a local Detroit sports equpiment brand. We were tasked with designing equipment for their brand for sports new to the Xenith product family.
Designed for one of the Winter Olympics most precisely timed sports, Luge 22 is designed with form, material and fit in mind to offer sliders the best performance a foot can have.

Luge rider footwear, known as “luge boots,” are vinyl booties that the rider wears, and play a huge role in how fast the rider moves.
Luge boots act like the nosecone on a plane, being the first object to make contact with and break the air in front of the rider. The angle and position of the rider’s feet can have an enormous impact on their performance, and maintaining proper positioning is key.
What is a Luge Boot?
Identifying Pressure Points on All Sides

Ideation - Function

Ideation - Sports Livery

Making Use of the Rider's Point of View

A graphic line detail could be added along the material break at the edge of the tooling to allow the rider a visual indicator of what angle their foot is at relative to the ideal foot position crucial to aerodynamic riding posture.
Anglometer Line Detail

Final Design

Luge 22 is designed with form, material and fit in mind to offer sliders the best performance a foot can have.

Lake Placid Presentation

In early 2020, I was selected, along with 2 other designers from this studio, Javier Guerra, and Tony Zhou, to present our designs to the USA Luge Director of Sports, Mark Grimmette, with assistance from luge medalist and coach, Gordy Sheer.
Gordy flew us out to Lake Placid, NY, where we watched Jr. Luge athletes train, met real Olympians, and made connections with members of the USA Luge team.
Huge thanks to Gordy, Mark, and our amazing and memorable tour guide Dimitry! It was a huge honor to meet this fantastic team.

Gordy explaining the history of the luge sled
Lake Placid Training Center
Dimitry, Brennan, Javier, and Tony

Brennan presenting to Mark Grimmette, Director of Sports, USA Luge
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